Life Review

Life Review

For whatever reason, I have been involved in several sessions of life review this week with my clients.  Most of us have no idea that one of the reasons for depression or anxiety in later life is because you haven't done what you wanted to do or there is something you regret that you need to make right.  Integrity vs Despair is the stage of life in which we review and determine our direction.  If you have accomplished goals, have few regrets and right the things you have done wrong - you can die with Integrity.  If you have not fulfilled your dreams, have a lot of regrets and never resolve any misgivings - you will likely die with Despair.  

It is never too late to change the direction of your life.  You can always move towards Integrity ~ but it is a process.  You have to get honest with yourself, change some things and do the work.  It doesn't come easy but it can happen.  When it does, it is a beautiful thing to witness.  

So, my best advice is PUSH towards your dreams, CHECK your behavior before you act to minimize regrets and REFLECT daily to right the wrongs that have happened as they come so you don't get stuck later in life.  I promise, if you don't do it now, you will have to do it when it may not be so convenient.  Hidden issues (for those of you that STUFF things away) have a way of BITING you right in the butt when you least expect it.  

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