I Happen To My Day

I Happen To My Day

Intention - to aim or plan

This, my friends, is my life and I am in control.  My thoughts have changed drastically in the past year or so and it is because I live with intention.  Seems simple enough but actually it is very hard when you are used to "just making it through".  

This is concept of living with intention means a lot more than one might think; after all, the easy thing is to just go through the day and let it happen to you.  I stopped doing this with the break up of my last relationship.  No one is worth losing my peace or my integrity.  So, I decided - I deserve a great life and I am taking what I want.  Seems selfish I suppose but I don't care about the judgment of others.  

How do you live with intention?  I happen to my day - it doesn't happen to me.  I decide every day that I will have a productive day of opportunity.  I look, with my eyes and my mind wide open.  I am learning and changing - and it's worth the fight.

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