Do nothing! — Possibility Junction

Do nothing!

Sometimes, doing nothing about something is best.  Do you find yourself overwhelmed?  Do you feel exhausted?  Are you out of time for enjoyment because there are too many problems to tend to?  

I am a therapist and very often when something happens in session, I do nothing.  What the what?  You thought my job was to solve problems?!  One of the things that you will learn in my office is. . . not everything is yours to solve.  I teach you to pause, reflect, sort and re-organize.  

So, pause is necessary because most of the time if you pause, you will find that no reaction is needed.   Most things are solved without intervention- especially if they aren’t your problems.  If you do nothing, people solve their own problems (either by asking some other unsuspecting fool or working it out).

If this something that happened was because of you - reflect and learn from it, don’t repeat.   When you check your involvement, you learn a lot about yourself (your motivation, your needs, your faults) and all of these things are good to know if you want to grow.

Sort?  Check it out.  Go to the paper and attempt to identify, “Is this mine?”  “Can I change it?” If your answer is “No” to either question, you must ask yourself, “What reason do I have for getting involved with a response?”  Maybe you like chaos. Maybe you need to feel needed.  Maybe you are bored.  Once you identify the reason, ask yourself, “Will getting involved improve my life?”  And, most of the time, you getting involved in another persons’ problem doesn’t change anything for the better.  

Re-organize your thoughts about what needs your attention.  If it doesn’t fall into one of these categories - your thoughts, your feelings or your behaviors - you shouldn’t insert yourself.  You have no control and losing your control will only result in unhappiness.   

Choose your battles, free up space in your head and use your time to improve your situation.   Doing nothing is often the best choice. 🌀


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