Returning home from a session of “A More Powerful You” youth group and I am perplexed. How are we more advanced in almost every way and our kids are behind in so many ways. I witness the pain of struggling youth and families every day in my therapy practice. Tonight, I witnessed something that should have been obvious but I am a lot behind the “normal” group. Children are developing some CORE (automatic) beliefs that you “must kill, defeat, destroy another to get power or reward.” Parents are agreeing to this by purchasing, signing up for or simply ignoring what their kids are doing. There are serious consequences headed down the path if we don’t wake up and become conscious and start parenting again. Like, actually being present and active in your child’s life.
I have job security thanks to this movement but I wish I was called to prevent some of this from becoming a problem. I recently read an article about the Kansas Governor elect planning to change direction in Kansas by starting with increases in Early Childhood Education. I think that’s a miss. Our adult failures are breeding problems beyond the education system. Parents don’t take their responsibilities seriously. Grandparents or the government are raising the kids that get left behind because we have lost work ethic, accountability and pride. We are replacing relationships, books, the learning process, cooperation and communication with electronics that do it for you. We are accepting more activity and less family connections. We are focused on collecting more for doing less. There is a sense of entitlement in our nation that eliminates building self worth and integrity and encourages “do whatever it takes”.
I will continue to be part of the solution for my children and those that cross my path; however, if WE (all of us) don’t increase the education, accountability and consequences for the adults that mold and teach our children (aka parents) we need to secure more funding for prisons. The deficits are unbelievable.