Out Of Work
This week in my work, I met a 33 year old beautiful woman. She was in sweats, no make-up, dark circles under her eyes, and a very sad face. Those two sentences don't match do they? No. No, because her symptoms are not her. She is not her diagnosis. She is a beautiful woman with a promising future.
The problem lies in her blocked view. She can't see her future. She takes 14 different medications for disorder ranging from fibromyalgia to high blood pressure to irritable bowel syndrome. She continues to have all of the symptoms and with each complaint her specialist adds another medication. Why? No one looked past the symptoms. The medical world is in the business of treating symptoms, not causes. There is more money in treating the symptoms. If you treat the cause, you lose the patient. They get better.
My entire existence as a helper in life is to put myself out of work. There is no other way to be good at what I do. If I am good, they get better and go on with life ~ not needing me or my services. If you have seen a doctor for years for the same symptoms ~ you need to ask yourself this question. Is there something underlying my illness that could be the cause.
Trauma is often the cause of unresolved health issues. Most of us, at some point in our lives, will experience some form of trauma. Trauma actually changes the brain and your view of life. If trauma goes untreated, many health concerns can erupt. Check your history, do an inventory. If something in your life is "avoided" or makes you emotional ~ it is worth exploring. Your body will thank you!
Note: You do not have to re-experience trauma to treat it.