Just Be YOU!

Just Be YOU!

One of the best things I have ever done is just be me.  When I turned 45, I really started to take an inventory of my life and realized that it didn't really matter what others thought about me,as a person, about how I lived my life or the even the choices I made.  My life is my life and I am who I am.  Not everyone will like me and that is okay.  

What I found is ... it cleaned my life up and only those who are authentic stayed and that made my life a whole lot easier.  Everyone has flaws and imperfections.  I accepted me and learned to embrace all of the wonderful qualities I have and check those that aren't so desirable.  Major personal growth happened and this is who I am.  I am extending myself, reaching for goals I thought I could not achieve and making a difference.  Happiness is an inside job and the sooner you learn to embrace your unique self the easier it is to experience HaPpY!

You are only lonely if you don't like the person you are alone with. 
Building Strong Children

Building Strong Children

Dare To Dream

Dare To Dream