Your vocabulary is very important and affects your mood. If you are feeling sad, anxious, hurt, frustrated or angry - take a moment to write down what you think and say to yourself

(your internal dialogue). If you consistently tell yourself, "I can't, it never works out, I am not good enough, everything falls apart" then the outcome will be just what you predicted. If what you think is negative - you will get negative results that compound in your life. You may resist writing your thoughts down but it is important to record these as they occur so you can examine them. Now that you have them written down, find a different color pen/pencil/marker and change all negative words to positive words. Now, it looks like a scribbled mess. Rewrite the changed thoughts and keep them with you. You will need them to talk to yourself - yes, I said talk to yourself. You should state these positive changes as often as possible (in your bedroom, in your bathroom, in the shower, in the car, at work, before prayers). The more your repeat the positives - the more positive you will start to feel. The problem with this is most people quit when it doesn't help the first time they do it (because we live in a quick fix world) and they go back to their previous internal dialogue "it never works out". If you have been doing this for years - it may take more than a moment to bring about change. Try it for 6 weeks and then evaluate. Rest. Repeat as needed.



Good Stress - Bad Stress

Good Stress - Bad Stress