Important Things To Remember When Setting Resolutions

Important Things To Remember When Setting Resolutions

What was your New Year resolution last year?  Did you meet your goal?  Do you even remember what it was?  Chances are you quickly set it aside and went on with your days.  Only about 25% of people follow through with their New Year resolutions.  What happens?  We set goals because we want to be a better version of ourselves  Here are a few things that will help you meet your goals this year.

Visualize it.  A goal that you can actually see is more powerful that a goal you write down.  Create a vision board so you can visualize it as you work towards it.

Tell others.   Telling others keeps you accountable and provides support you need to continue to work towards your goal when you experience setbacks.  

Break a large goal into several smaller ones.  It is easier to see your progress when working towards a smaller goal and when you add the smaller goals together -- you have met your large goal. "Creating a plan" is the best way to achieve your goals.

Set a date.  Goals are more readily achieved if they have a set end date.  We have a tendency to work harder when there are deadlines.  

Be realistic.  Don’t set yourself up for failure by letting your dreams get bigger than your abilities. That’s not to say don’t set hard goals for yourself, just make sure they’re attainable.

Commit to Yourself.   Last but not least, there’s only one person in this goal-setting process that matters. You. 

There’s a great quote out there that says, “It’s funny how day by day, nothing changes but when you look back everything is different.” One year from now, you’ll be one year older no matter what. What can you do with your goals today that will make looking back to today feel really different and really satisfying?


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