Becoming YOU
How do people get UnHaPpY? When someone comes into my office for therapy, I always ask them, "What was the straw that broke the camel's back and made you decide...therapy?" They usually describe an event. As they describe the event, I pay close attention to their body language, vocabulary and I start mapping. Individuals are masterpieces that are formed within the framework of others. WHAT? We develop our core beliefs (thoughts about how the world is or should be) by watching, listening or mimicking others. There in lies the problem that creates UnHaPpY.
We are unique beings and we are not supposed to be like any other person. Yet, we carry around thoughts that are co-created from experiences with others. The work I attempt to do in therapy is to help the client unravel the "should's" and make them "I will or I won't" statements. There is power in making a decision to be your unique self. Who you are, what you believe in and how you will behave in relation to the world is an individual decision. The important work happens within and the exploration can be magical if one will allow it.