
A word can change things drastically.  What do you tell others about yourself when you speak?  This week, I had some amazing sessions that led me to an understanding that was totally unexpected.  I have been a therapist for 25 years.  Not very many things surprise or stump me.  I have many skills that are imbedded in my thinking and teaching comes very natural to me. So, this week when I began talking to a client about his symptoms, I heard this...”I am afraid there will be an emergency and my ex won’t call.  We have been separated for a long time and we will divorce soon.  She never takes good care of my son.  I have to do everything.”  

Have you ever paused and dissected a phrase before you said it?  Do you pay attention to the words?  What if he had said, “I am becoming more aware of my emotions and learning how to manage.  I take the responsibility very seriously.”  He would hold all of the power if he did.  

Practice the pause.  Reflect.  Reframe.  Smile.


The Dance

Shifting 🌀