Live Happy, Do Well
I see many people for therapy. Oddly enough, most are struggling with one of a few problems. Those problems are guilt, relationship issues or low self esteem.
While I know it seems I just simplified or minimized life’s problems, really, it just means we are all the same.
Even though the universal “solution” is just as simple, most people don’t naturally do it. DO THE RIGHT THING. Always do the right thing. Never act in a way that you know to be wrong. We ALL know right and wrong. Some justify their slightly different response; however, it is still damaging to SELF. When you damage self, it changes your next response, your situation or your relationships.
This seems simple to fix but most don’t exercise “doing the right thing” at that moment either. Then, it snowballs and we have a problem that the individual can’t solve - so they need help gaining perspective.
A few examples came to my attention today. I was sweeping the patio at our business and there were no cigarettes in the ashtrays. There were about 100 cigarette butts on the ground, just from one night. So, as I swept them up, I thought about how something that seems so simple gets overlooked so often and damages the person. Sure, the damage seems minimal but everything is circular. Each action gets a reaction, which in turn has an effect on the next action and so on... This causes damage to integrity (feelings towards self) and causes guilt, relationship problems.
So, avoid therapy, live happy and do well by doing the right thing. Every. Single. Time.
Of course, I believe in the therapy process and would gladly help you to “do over” some things and change some circumstances. However, you can do this all on your own. Start pausing and plan your actions. 🌀